Pråmvägen 15, Väggarp
S- 241 93 Eslöv
Phone: +46 46 143308 +46 72 554 0614 (view Peter Elfman, photos)

fredag 21 september 2012

Birds in Art-opening weekend Sep 7-9

Now I´m back home after visting the opening of Birds in Art 2012 in Wausau, Wisconsin. It was a fantastic experience (just as it was last year). I was so nice to meet all collegues and discuss bird art. Some "old" masters as Guy Coheleach and Robert Bateman were also there. I stayed until tuesday after the weeekend which gave me som extra time for birdwatching (101 species this year, 11 were new for me). Highlights were the tour around Mead WA south of Wausau with other artists, we saw a lot of birds e.g. American Bittern, Bald Eagles, Waders, sparrows and Belted Kingfishers. During the monday I visited Green Bay with the birdwatcher Mike Plant and his wife. A very nice trip with good birding.
Photos from Birds in Art opening:
Me at the museum.
Me and the legend Guy Coheleach.
Me behind Robert Batemans live painting session in the garden.